Chornukhy becomes centre of AH that will cover almost entire rayon

The smallest rayon of the Poltava Oblast is step by step approaching the creation of an amalgamated hromada. Oleksandr Vasylenko, head of the Chornukhy settlement council, initiated and local deputies supported the creation of AH around the rayon centre.

The initiative was supported by almost 80 percent of the village councils in the Chornukhy Rayon, namely the village councils of Kharsiky, Bilousivka, Voronky, Hiltsi, Melekhy, Mokiyivka, Kizlivka and Postav-Muka. Two village councils can become a part of the Pyriatynska AH. Two other village councils are still hesitating as for joining.

At the same time, public hearings on the creation of AH with the centre in Chornukhy are going on. Oleh Kovhan, head of the Rayon Sate Administration, and Mykola Turchyn, deputy head of the Rayon State Administration, are actively participating. The specialists of the Poltava Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, provide permanent methodological, legal and informational support to the processes of decentralisation in the Chornukhy Rayon.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

12.06.2018 - 11:22 | Views: 8452
Chornukhy becomes centre of AH that will cover almost entire rayon


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