Zakarpattia Oblast’s AHs to receive 1300 hectares of agricultural land into communal ownership

On 6 June, the General Directorate of the StateGeoCadastre in the Zakarpattia Oblast hosted a solemn ceremony of signing of the certificate of acceptance and transfer of state-owned agricultural land plots into the communal ownership of amalgamated hromadas, as reports the press service of the General Directorate of the StateGeoCadastre in the Zakarpattia Oblast.

Documents containing information on the list of land plots, their cadastral numbers and the area will continue to serve as the basis for registering the property rights for AHs in the State Register.

The ceremony was attended by Svitlana Melnychuk, head of the General Directorate of the StateGeoCadastre in the oblast, as well as heads and representatives of the Irshavska, Polyanska, Perechynska, Baranynska, Vilkhovetska and Tyachivska AHs.

In general, there are 6 AHs in the Zakarpattia Oblast, working under the new budget conditions from the beginning of the year, that will receive 416 land plots with an area of ​​about 1 300 ha into communal ownership.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

07.06.2018 - 14:52 | Views: 12092
Zakarpattia Oblast’s AHs to receive 1300 hectares of agricultural land into communal ownership


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Закарпатська область


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