Schools, kindergartens and outpatient clinics should be built nearby new housing complexes in cities and suburban hromadas. If this is not the case, explanations should be required from the local authorities. This is their responsibility. Besides, there will be appropriate inspections in the regions, said Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman at the Government’s meeting.
“Developers build housing, sell square metres, earn money of it, and that's good. But at the same time, they often forget to build a normal parking lot, a kindergarten, a school, an outpatient clinic. And what happens next? People buy apartments in new houses, though use the social infrastructure built 10-20 and more years ago. Hence, there is a lack of places in kindergartens, schools. And overloaded classes result in a decrease in the quality of education, and therefore, the level of education of our children,” said Volodymyr Groysman.
He assured that this issue belongs to the competence of local authorities. “We have many cases where the construction facility is complex, where social infrastructure in hromadas is not built on the basis of local or state budget, but at the expense of the housing developer. Though the situation may be different. And there it is necessary to ask the local council, and personally the local head, why kindergartens and schools are not built together with the residential houses... This is the power of the local authorities. They approve the conditions under which the housing is built. Do not agree on the construction of 3-5 houses until there is a kindergarten planned. As a rule, the denial of the social infrastructure construction has corrupt trace. And the hromada has to strictly control this issue. There is no need for any decisions of the Government here,” the Prime Minister stressed.
He said that such cases would be checked in the regions. “And I will call things the way I see them. I'm not going to cover anyone. I do not care about the ratings of the mayors. If I see that they are acting against their citizens, I will talk about it. I consider it to be my duty,” said Volodymyr Groysman.
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