Participants of Civil Activist Academy learned how to conduct advocacy campaigns

Attack local self-government bodies with requests? Organise a campaign to lobby the interests of some group of citizens? Write a project for the implementation of a cool initiative which can change the life of a hromada for the better? These are the tasks which can be smoothly handled by the participants of the Civil Activist Academy training project which is implemented in the Koryukivska hromada.

On 30 May, the third module of the project was conducted on the topic “Advocacy Campaigns at the Local Level”. According to trainer Pavlo Puschenko, who is the head of the civil organisation “Initiative Education Centre,” advocacy campaigns pose an important tool for democratic transformations. This tool is mostly used by civil organisations, journalists, local activists and civil initiatives. During the training, the participants learned about the stages of advocacy campaigns and were briefed on how to identify the goal and the objectives of an advocacy campaign as well as how to compose the “tree of problems” and what resources are needed to conduct an advocacy campaign. Pavlo Puschenko shared his secrets of local advocacy and provided examples of successful local advocacy campaigns.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

01.06.2018 - 13:11 | Views: 11211
Participants of Civil Activist Academy learned how to conduct advocacy campaigns

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Чернігівська область


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