Village that is coming to life: how Voskresenska hromada lives after amalgamation

The Voskresenska amalgamated hromada is one of the first six AHs of the Zaporizhzhya Oblast, which appeared as a result of the decentralisation reform. In October 2015, the hromada held the election of its head and amalgamated four villages in the Polohy Rayon: Voskresenka, Kinski Rozdory, Mahedove and Lozove. Today the village head conducts excursions to renovated clubs, schools and kindergartens: in three years, more things have been done in the villages than during 20 years of Ukraine's independence. How does the new Ukrainian village live with money and powers?

Decentralisation has increased the hromada budget several times, today it amounts to UAH 38 million. Over three years, the Voskresenska hromada received more than UAH 15 million of the state subvention from the budget to develop the AH infrastructure.

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31.05.2018 - 11:29 | Views: 14805
Village that is coming to life: how Voskresenska hromada lives after amalgamation


Запорізька область


Воскресенська територіальна громада



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