Infrastructure subvention for amalgamated hromadas: commission approved first projects

Last week, at its first meeting this year, the commission under MinRegion approved  312 infrastructure projects of 104 amalgamated hromadas for a total amount of UAH 314 million.  These projects and hromada-based programmes should be implemented by the end of the year with the relevant state subvention funds. 

The hromadas, which have not submitted projects for consideration by the commission (their number is 561), must be fast, since this year the deadline to submit projects for the entire amount of infrastructure subventions will not be the end of the year as before, but June. 

Recently, Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, has asked hromadas not to delay project applications and Oblast State Administrations and Local Government Development Centres to provide expert and advisory support to hromadas in preparing relevant applications and projects. 

It is worth reminding that the state provides support to amalgamated hromadas, in particular, in terms of restoring and developing the infrastructure of their territories. The amount of UAH 1.9 billion has been foreseen in the state budget for 2018. These funds will be spent on infrastructure development of 665 amalgamated hromadas established in 2015-2017. 

The issue of distribution of the subvention from the state budget to local budgets to form the infrastructure of amalgamated hromadas in 2018 was settled by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine  No 201 dated 4 April 2018. 

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

29.05.2018 - 11:58 | Views: 22643
Infrastructure subvention for amalgamated hromadas: commission approved first projects


budget subvention subvention 2018



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