Vacancy! Project assistant to implement U-LEAD with Europe Programme

SKL International is looking for a Project assistant for implementation of U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme to improve administrative service delivery, Roll-out Phase. The positions shall be consultancies contract for a period of minimum 20 months.

Interested applicants should send their proposal, comprising the following documents, to SKL International ( no later than 30 May 2018:

  • A short explanation of the applicant’s suitability for the assignment (maximum one A4-page).
  • Up-to-date CV indicating relevant experience and qualifications.
  • A statement on when the applicant will be available to start the position and confirmation that the applicant will be available to work on the project full time until the end of phase one.

Detailed vacancy description is available HERE

24.05.2018 - 17:25 | Views: 9996
Vacancy! Project assistant to implement U-LEAD with Europe Programme

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