Tulchynska AH to become epicentre of creativity and art

The city of Tulchyn – centre of amalgamated hromada in the Vinnytsia Oblast – is anticipating two large-scale events. The "Operafest Tulchyn" will be held in June. However, the organisers did not confine themselves with this only event. At the same time, they prepare to present another art project – Leontovych Art-Quarter with spatial installation of the "Shchedryk" melody as its feature.

The last arrangements take place in the city, it is prettified and decorated. The AH says that local budget funds for the implementation of such projects occurred due to amalgamation of hromadas, say in the OTG.

More information – in the video report:




culture Kultura krashchi praktyky


Вінницька область


Тульчинська територіальна громада


Телеканал ВІТА новини

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