Results of decentralisation: new modern school opened in Solonianska AH

President Petro Poroshenko took part in solemn opening of the reconstructed communal educational establishment “Solone educational union “Solone general secondary school No 1 of the 1st-3rd degrees – Extra-curricular centre” (hub institution) of the Solonianska settlement amalgamated hromada in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

The Head of State noted that Ukraine entered the European education space with the introduction of the educational reform.

The President also thanked local residents for their initiatives and support of decentralisation ideas.

"Decentralisation is to withdraw money from Kyiv and transfer it to the hromada. This will reduce the distance between a child, parents, hromada and authorities," Petro Poroshenko said. "All decisions should be made here – which hospital, road or school to build," he added.

"A new Ukrainian school is being developed – a new educational space," Petro Poroshenko said, adding that the principles of the new educational space were already being implemented in 115 Ukrainian schools across the country. At the same time, the President stressed that the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast had become one of the leaders in creating such space in hub schools.

"The main features of these schools can be seen at once – a very special and creative design," the President noted and asked children whether they like their new school and the colours it is painted in, and they answered that they like such a school. The President said that he liked this school as well.

The Head of State emphasised that children would be eager to go to this school. The educational institution is equipped with computers, Wi-Fi and Internet access, created conditions for interactive education, and has access to the best worldwide technologies.

"Imagine that the school was built, as they say, in times of yore, in 1905. But look how modern it is today, after we have teamed up and done a great and very useful work. It is certainly built not for the President and certainly not for the authorities. It is built partly for parents, but definitely for our children and our future," emphasised Petro Poroshenko.


17.05.2018 - 16:26 | Views: 18889
Results of decentralisation: new modern school opened in Solonianska AH

Attached images:


education P.Poroshenko


Дніпропетровська область


Солонянська територіальна громада


Адміністрація Президента України

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