AHs of Zhytomyr Oblast presented their achievements at exhibition

Amalgamated hromadas of the Zhytomyr Oblast are actively improving infrastructure, attracting investors and developing tourism.

They shared their achievements and plans for the future at the exhibition "Achievements of amalgamated hromadas", held in Zhytomyr on Wednesday, May 16.

The event was initiated by the Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, Ukrinform reports.

"An exhibition of achievements of AHs is taking place today in Zhytomyr. For example, the Teterivska and Semenivska AHs show tourist routes and interesting facilities that can be viewed there. The Baranivska, Ushomyrska, Chopovytska hromadas present economic projects, reconstructed sites and share experience of cooperation with investors. We strive to show with real examples that decentralisation enables hromadas to influence their development and improve," said Dmytro Klymenko, communications adviser of the Zhytomyr LGDC.

The Zhytomyr Oblast retains the leading position in decentralisation in Ukraine. 46 AHs have been formed here so far, and 9 hromadas are represented at the exhibition. Thus, while residents and local authorities in different rayons of the oblast hesitate with whom and when to amalgamate, their successful colleagues are already presenting ready-made tourist products, successful reconstruction and construction projects, and find a common language with investors.

Photo: Iryna Chyrytsia / Ukrinform

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


16.05.2018 - 16:02 | Views: 9733
AHs of Zhytomyr Oblast presented their achievements at exhibition

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