Village starostas elected in AH of Lviv Oblast

On Sunday, 13 May, the first elections of starostas of the villages of Kamyanopil, Yampil and Hamaliyivka took place in the Murovanska rural amalgamated hromada of the Pustomyty Rayon of the Lviv Oblast, as reported by the Lviv Oblast State Administration.

Roman Kachmar, Lesya Polihas and Bohdan Dropa became the winners of the elections among seven candidates. All of them ran for a post by self-nomination.

"1120 out of 2470 voters took part in the elections. The average turnout was 45.3%. The lowest – 40.3% – was observed in Yampil, the largest of the three villages. In Hamaliyivka, the turnout made up 52.7%, in Kamyanopil it was 57.3%. The winners were significantly ahead of their competitors, gaining from 74 to 86% of the votes of those voters," informed Zoryana Pavliv, head of administration of the State Register of Voters of the apparatus of the Lviv Oblast State Administration.

According to the Monitoring of the decentralisation process and local self-government reform, carried out by MinRegion on a monthly basis, as of 10 May 2018, 650 starostas were elected in AHs, and 1809 serve as acting starostas.

More information about starostas’ institution in Ukraine can be found on in the “Starosta” section.

It should be noted that on 24-25 May Dnipro will host the All-Ukrainian Congress of Starostas of amalgamated hromadas.

14.05.2018 - 14:52 | Views: 10950
Village starostas elected in AH of Lviv Oblast




Львівська область


Мурованська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Мурованська територіальна громада


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