Ways to organise primary healthcare provision system at local level: operational manual from Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health has developed an operational manual that covers the practical aspects of implementing the primary healthcare reform at the level of amalgamated hromadas, cities and rayons of Ukraine.

The manual gives detailed description of how the principles of financing of healthcare system, service provision and planning of the primary healthcare network change. Experts clarify the legal issues of organisation of healthcare institutions’ work. Much attention is paid to the issues of primary healthcare institution management within the new environment, organisation of the communications system. Operational manual is intended for local self-government bodies, rayons and cities responsible for providing primary healthcare, as well as for the heads of healthcare institutions, providing primary heathcare services.

The materials collected during public consultations with medical professionals, heads of healthcare institutions and local self-government bodies during the all-Ukrainian regional tours "ZminyTy" and "ZminyTy-2" became the motivation and the basis for the manual. Healthcare policy formation tours throughout Ukraine were conducted by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, NGO "Centre UA" and the NGO "Reanimation Package of Reforms".

24 experts from partner organisations along with the MOH experts worked on the creation of the manual: the USAID project "HIV Reforms in Action" (healthcare reform support component), WHO, Reanimation package of reforms, Kharkiv expert group, the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, and ILF law firm.

The manual was developed with the support of the USAID project "HIV Reforms in Action", healthcare reform support component. The project is being implemented in Ukraine by Deloitte company.

11.05.2018 - 13:18 | Views: 12509
Ways to organise primary healthcare provision system at local level: operational manual from Ministry of Health

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Міністерство охорони здоров’я Украіни

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