Start of youth registration for participation in "Statebuilder" project

The Ministry of Youth and Sports together with the Ukrainian Leadership Academy, with the support of the USAID “Support to Anti-Corruption Champion Institutions ("Interaction")” Project, initiate the "Statebuilder" project, announced Ihor Zhdanov, Minister of Youth and Sports, at the press conference in the Ukrainian national information agency "Ukrinform".

“The "Statebuilder" is a project of training young people aged 18 to 25 in different levels of government," said Ihor Zhdanov.

According to the Minister, the project consists of three stages. The first one envisages youth internship at the Presidential Administration of Ukraine, Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and central executive authorities.

"The selection of participants – i.e. future interns – begins on 4 May. And on 9 June, it is planned to announce the names of a hundred young people, who will be involved in public administration and civil society development," informed the official.

It is possible to register for participation in the internship by filling in an application by 30 May 2018, at the link:


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

05.05.2018 - 10:28 | Views: 11593
Start of youth registration for participation in "Statebuilder" project




Міністерство молоді та спорту

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