Residents of non-amalgamated hromadas in Odesa Oblast urged to ask local authorities why there is no reform

The Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, is launching the campaign "Ask the authorities why your hromada is not amalgamated?"

The Centre has prepared an information booklet explaining the notion of hromadas’ amalgamation, benefits AHs receive and losses of the settlements delaying the reform.

The booklet is intended for the residents of villages, urban-type settlements and cities of the Odesa Oblast, which have not yet joined the process of the local self-government reform.

25 AHs are currently established in the Odesa Oblast. Since 2015, the AHs of the oblast have received UAH 681.6 million of state financial support.

The Odesa LGDC invites non-indifferent citizens to join the distribution of the booklet and inform hromadas about the benefits of amalgamation.




Одеська область


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