VACANCY! U-LEAD with Europe Programme announced competition for positions of legal advisers

The Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, that is a partner of U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme, a multi-donor action of the European Union and its member states Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden, implemented by Deutsche Gesellschafts für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, announces a competitive selection of legal advisers.

Applications for participation in the competition must be submitted by 22.04.2018 inclusive.

Key responsibilities: providing legal support in the form of consultations and training on issues related to the activities of local self-government bodies, voluntary amalgamation and accession of hromadas, support on issues of the administrative-territorial reform, decentralisation of powers of central executive authorities and the reform of the state regional policy.

Qualification requirements:

Basic general requirements

  • Bachelor / Master's Degree in Law;

Special requirements (preferably):

  • At least 3 year experience in the field of law.

We invite interested candidates to send a filled-in application form (DOWNLOAD) and resume, which specifies the experience that meets the qualification requirements of the position, in an electronic format to the e-mail address: Deadline for submission of application: by 22.04.2018 inclusive.

Please pay attention to the following:

  • Please entitle your resume as "Legal Adviser Resume Last Name First Name" and the application as “Legal Adviser Application Last Name First Name”.
  • Please indicate "Legal Adviser" in the subject matter of the e-mail.
  • Please note that applications submitted after the deadline are not considered.
  • Due to the large number of applications, only those candidates, whose applications will be selected for invitation to computer testing, will receive notifications of subsequent shortlisting stages.
  • Computer testing and interview with the selection commission are held in Kyiv. Travel expenses are reimbursed.
  • Also, please note that the entire selection process lasts for about two months.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



13.04.2018 - 14:28 | Views: 15307
VACANCY! U-LEAD with Europe Programme announced competition for positions of legal advisers

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