5 tasks of Ministry of Health to hromadas
Those to fulfill them first will receive "a significant assistance package from a specially established International Partner Office", as discussed during an expanded governmental meeting in Vinnytsia.
Author: Dmytro Synyak
According to Pavlo Kovtonyuk, Deputy Minister of Health, the hromadas face five tasks to begin the reform this year.
Firstly, local governments should reorganise healthcare institutions, turning them into communal non-profit enterprises.
Secondly, all healthcare facilities should be connected to the electronic health system.
Thirdly, local self-government bodies should basically equip communal healthcare facilities.
The fourth task is to provide the appropriate service. The patient should not stand in queues.
The fifth task is to carry out a communication campaign, distributing the materials of the Ministry of Health.
Those, who will cope with the tasks by July this year, will be able to enter into an agreement with the National Health Service and will receive significant funds under a new principle.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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