The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, within the framework of the reform of the educational system in Ukraine, changes approaches to the management of the system of vocational education, revises the principles of its funding and introduces the concept of regional order, which will bring the employer's requirements as close as possible to the educational opportunities, said Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman during the Governmental session.
"There is a great interest in the Ukrainian industry. The process begins. But the first question to be answered is the training of the personnel,” noted the Head of Government. “We introduce the concept of regional personnel order – this is a real order for the enterprises."
He stressed that the strategic goal of the Governmental development programmes is, among other things, creation of jobs in Ukraine, provision of decent salaries, so that Ukrainians do not search for a better life around the world, but remained in their cities. That is why people should be provided with decent education and decent work.”
Volodymyr Groysman recalled that this year the Government has allocated 100 million for the needs of vocational education and creation of educational centres. This will increase the number of such centres and expand the list of professions under training.
"We need to stop labour migration and create conditions for people to stay in Ukraine. In a few years the issue can be solved. The task is to provide high salary, high-quality of workplaces."
Volodymyr Groysman education vocational training college
Урядовий портал
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