Role of residents in AH management – samples of documents

The USAID Citizens in Action Project experts have adapted typical provisions on local democracy for the needs of amalgamated hromadas in Ukraine. They were based on typical terms and conditions developed several years ago by the joint efforts of the Ukrainian Independent Centre of Political Studies and the Institute of Political Education.

Typical provisions allow strengthening the role of citizens in managing their hromadas through introduction of the best practices in participatory democracy.

The list includes typical provisions on the following tools:

Public hearings

Local initiative

Electronic petitions

General assembly of citizens

Consultations with the public

Public review

Reports by AH head and deputies

"Amalgamated hromadas are now among the drivers of civil society. It is in the AHs that lots of progressive and active people ready to launch mechanisms of local democracy and make their hromadas capable and prosperous have currently got the powers," said Maksym Latsyba, Head of USAID Citizens in Action Project.

11.04.2018 - 16:20 | Views: 13996
Role of residents in AH management – samples of documents


participation of citizens


Проект USAID «Громадяни в дії»

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