Formation and arrangement of regional healthcare facilities - from outpatient clinics to specialised ones - is the responsibility of rayons and hromadas which own these facilities, said Volodymyr Groysman, Prime Minister of Ukraine, on the air of a TV channel.
“Hospitals belong to rayons and municipalities, and thanks to decentralisation these rayons have money. I demand that heads of rayons and municipalities act in the interests of citizens. Hospitals and outpatient clinics should be repaired and equipped, and people should receive normal treatment conditions,” stressed the Head of Government.
He drew attention to the fact that such things should be discussed and communicated with people, as well as the basics of the healthcare reform. “For example, now we are moving to a contractual basis in healthcare. In fact, this is the first step on the way to the insurance healthcare,” said the Head of Government. “We wrote the bill, passed it in Parliament, and the document came into force. Today it is possible to conclude a contract with a doctor who will provide you with quality services. Under this contract the state will pay specifically to this doctor for you as a patient, not for walls or a bed, but for the service.”
The Prime Minister noted that the reform might not be liked by everyone, and there would be always an opportunity to leave everything as it was. “But that previous state of affairs did not suit ordinary people at all,” added Volodymyr Groysman.
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