After amalgamation in 2015 we gained time and money – head of Vole-Baranetska AH
The Sambir Rayon of the Lviv Oblast is one of the pioneers of the establishment of amalgamated hromadas in Ukraine. In 2015, more than half of the local councils amalgamated here.
"The motto of our hromada is an efficient use of funds, so that the local residents feel the benefits of the reform, the promised approaching of services, and, of course, comfort," said Hryhorii Chukhray, head of the Vole-Baranetska AH.
In a conversation with representatives of the Lviv LGDC, operating with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, the head of the hromada told what he was able to do over three years of reforms in his hromada. And the results are quite solid for a relatively small AH with a population of 5,600 people.
Effective and rational use of funds began with the introduction of energy saving measures. An artificial-surface sports ground was constructed in Volya-Baranetska village. They set up their own communal enterprise, engaged in all repair work, and in July 2017 the garbage truck was purchased. Besides, the library system was reformed.
Several more serious objects are planned for 2018, namely, repairs of the abandoned premises of the former collective flax plant, opening of the fire department, and initiation of a drainage system construction for a whole complex of buildings in the village of Volya-Baranetska for the total amount of UAH 5 million 200 thousand from the beginning of autumn.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Львівська областьГромади:
Бісковицька територіальна громадаSource:
Львівський Центр розвитку місцевого самоврядування
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