Due to decentralisation hromadas have funds for reconstruction and construction of hospitals – President

In the framework of the working trip to the Vinnytsia Oblast, President Petro Poroshenko took part in the opening of the reconstructed Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of Vinnytsia Children's Hospital.

During his communication with the hospital staff, the President noted that such changes and today's meeting became possible due to decentralisation.

"What is decentralisation in simple language? Take money from the central government and give it to the hromada. There were 60 billion in local budgets when I was elected President, and there are 250 billion now. And what is additional 200 billion? It is schools, kindergartens, renovated roads that have not been repaired for years, lighting and hospitals,” Petro Poroshenko said.

The President stressed that hromada development and reforms were possible, despite Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the need to maintain our army.

"The state budget today puts the interests of people as the first priority – protect, provide high-quality services, educate and cure. This is the goal of the healthcare reform, education reform, judicial system reform and national security reform," the President added.

The Head of State mentioned the words of the Ambassador of Canada, who shared the impression of foreign partners of Ukraine during the current government decentralisation conference. They are surprised how our country managed to restore and rebuild the army over the past four years, increase budgets of development, restore order in the energy sector, take steps to improve business climate.

"And we will not stop. We will go further in order to reform the state," the President emphasised.


05.04.2018 - 16:33 | Views: 12407
Due to decentralisation hromadas have funds for reconstruction and construction of hospitals – President


healthcare P.Poroshenko


Адміністрація Президента України

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