Decentralisation requires change of thinking and approaches to formation of regional development strategies, - Prime Minister

The initiated decentralisation reform requires a change in thinking and approaches to the formation of regional development strategies, when there is an understanding that there is strengthening of hromada rather than understanding of the ways to use the transferred resource, said Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman, addressing participants of the expanded governmental meeting on decentralisation and regional development, held in Vinnytsia.

He stressed that previously all funds and powers were centered in Kyiv. Hromadas received a "zero". And each minister determined the subvention to give and the project to support. It both deprived of responsibility and at the same time caused the current situation, when hromadas are asking for something, though do not want to make decisions.

"Such a system is unacceptable," said Volodymyr Groysman, "There is money, and there are tools for earning and multiplying it. This is an important change! You (regions) need to be active today. We need to change attitudes and thinking."

At the same time, the Prime Minister noted that the movement of the reform should be in one direction – towards development of strong hromadas.

"It cannot be that we build a modern car, and you attach wooden wheels to it, we have to build a single design," the Head of Government said. "When we talk about development, we mean the quality of life, not consumption."

05.04.2018 - 14:28 | Views: 10461
Decentralisation requires change of thinking and approaches to formation of regional development strategies, - Prime Minister


Volodymyr Groysman


Урядовий портал

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