President: Decentralisation is an issue of civilisational choice and a component of Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic course

Decentralisation in Ukraine is an issue of civilisational choice and an integral part of the Euro-Atlantic course of our state. This was stated by President Petro Poroshenko at an expanded governmental meeting on decentralisation and regional development during the working visit to the Vinnytsia Oblast.

“This (decentralisation - ed.) is an issue of civilisational choice, political culture and national security,” Petro Poroshenko said.

"Let's look at this from a rather unexpected angle, in terms of Euro-Atlantic integration. Well, where is decentralisation and where is NATO? And how can it be linked to our future membership in the North Atlantic Alliance? Nevertheless, in the Annual National Program under the auspices of the Ukraine-NATO Commission for 2018, which I approved by my decree a week ago, one of the key chapters is devoted to decentralisation," the Head of State said.

He added: "Thus, decentralisation in Ukraine has become part of our international commitments. Why? Because the implementation of the strategic course of the state on joining NATO requires not only the modernisation of the Armed Forces, which we have done extremely efficiently in these four years by building a new army, new Armed Forces of Ukraine".

According to the President, modernisation also requires the state's desire to live up to democratic principles, to respect the rights and freedoms of a citizen. "I emphasise once again that decentralisation brings the authorities closer to a man, reduces time for decision-making and implementation of decisions," he said.

05.04.2018 - 12:50 | Views: 8298
President: Decentralisation is an issue of civilisational choice and a component of Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic course




Адміністрація Президента України

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