The Losynivska hromada started its self-sufficient way in 2017, when it switched to the direct intergovernmental relations with the state after the elections.
The work in the AH began with the repair of the Losynivka hub school,that will welcome pupils from almost the entire hromada.
Tourist route and Bread Museum
Mainly agricultural enterprises operate on the territory of hromada. There are large ones like Agroprogress, but there are also small local entrepreneurs and farmers.
In addition, there is a powerful company Losinivka butter processing plant, which is currently one of the twenty largest producers of cheese and cheese products.
Improve the state of roads and street lighting, deal with the healthcare sector, ameliorate education, create a territory centre, ASC, launch a bus between the villages of the AH – these are the smallest plans put forward by the team of the Losynivska AH. After all, they amalgamated in order to make life of people in the hromada comfortable, safe and wealthy, and therefore the AH residents work for development and result.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Чернігівська областьГромади:
Лосинівська територіальна громадаSource:
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