MinRegion has developed typical projects for construction of modern outpatient clinics in rural areas

In the framework of the rural healthcare reform, MinRegion has developed typical projects of modern outpatient clinics to create a network of primary healthcare in rural areas. They were presented by Lev Partskhaladze, Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, during the video conference with regional offices of the Local Government Development Centre.

"Our goal is to create modern conditions for providing high-quality healthcare services. About 72% of the existing outpatient clinics and rural health posts have no water supply. 82% of them do not have toilets. Therefore, it is necessary and important to create modern outpatient clinics. To do this we have developed four typical projects for the construction of outpatient clinics with and without a doctor’s housing, general plans of these clinics, as well as a manual with all the recommendations – a complete description of the required foundation, walls, partitions, floors, interior decoration, sanitary and hygiene requirements," he said.

Lev Partskhaladze stressed that the construction of a new outpatient clinic is more cost-effective than repairing old and inappropriate premises. "We have written down the technical and economic indicators that are needed for construction, we have developed an approximate cost estimate, where the sections describe the cost per square metre. It amounts to UAH 11-12 thousand per m2 without healthcare equipment and transport. It is cheaper and more expedient than carrying out quality repairs of old premises," added the Deputy Minister.

MinRegion has also developed a step-by-step algorithm for the implementation of the project and a detailed construction plan. First of all, the regions must form, agree upon and approve with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine the primary healthcare network, then switch to preparatory stages, development and approval of design estimates and the stage of construction and equipment procurement.

Presentation of typical projects of modern outpatient clinics for the creation of the primary healthcare network in rural areas can be DOWNLOADED HERE.

27.03.2018 - 14:23 | Views: 34119
MinRegion has developed typical projects for construction of modern outpatient clinics in rural areas





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