Steps to successful start of starostas in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: from hromadas’ amalgamation to problem solving and implementation of plans

The starostas of the Vasilivka, Shyroke, Prydniprovske and Voloske starosta districts of AHs of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast shared their experience with their colleagues from the Rivne Oblast. The experience exchange trip was organised on 21-22 March by the Dnipropetrovsk and Rivne Local Government Development Centres.

The first election of starostas in hromadas of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast took place in December 2016. Since then, elected starostas have been not only actively implementing local reforms, learning at the trainings, but also sharing their own experiences with colleagues from other areas. They agree that it was not easy for them in the beginning, but the manual "Action Plan for Starosta: 10 Steps for a Successful Start", prepared by the Dnipropetrovsk Local Government Development Centre with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme became a useful tool. It became a peculiar guide to what should be done first and how to combine resources and people.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

26.03.2018 - 17:17 | Views: 13533
Steps to successful start of starostas in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast: from hromadas’ amalgamation to problem solving and implementation of plans

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