President: We have more and more vivid examples of improvements possible due to decentralisation

President Petro Poroshenko opened the newly built kindergarten in the Rivne Oblast.

The Head of State noted that the building had been constructed using energy-efficient technologies, had a bright, creative external and internal design, multifunctional space, modern stylistics.

“It is important that the attention of the central and local authorities is aimed at the future of Ukraine - our children,” Petro Poroshenko said. The President emphasised that the construction had become possible due to the decentralisation reform.

“Hundreds of kindergartens and schools are being opened all over Ukraine with an absolutely new education programme,” Petro Poroshenko noted.

“We are implementing the wildest plans due to our unity. And we are destroying the plans of the aggressor, which seeks to undermine us from the inside and break Ukraine. We will continue to build kindergartens, schools, roads, hospitals and the army," the Head of State stressed.

"Everything I see here in Obariv is a vivid example of how life begins to change, what changes are possible due to the unification of efforts and cohesion, due to decentralisation. I will not stop repeating that the expenditures for education are the best investment in the future," the President added.


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


23.03.2018 - 15:00 | Views: 16955
President: We have more and more vivid examples of improvements possible due to decentralisation

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P.Poroshenko education


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