17 March 2025

Order service through smartphone – new portal to work in AHs of Poltava Oblast

It will soon be possible to order administrative services through a special application, which can be installed on a smartphone, in the Pyryatynska amalgamated hromada. The portal "Smart-Pyryatyn" is planned to be introduced already in April.

It should be noted that at present the hromada has an updated Administrative Service Centre (ASC).

“This portal will have a personal account of the hromada resident, through which a person, by entering and registering there, will be able to receive a number of electronic services without visiting the ASC. In addition, due to this account, it will be possible to monitor the period of passage of your application on an ordered service. It will also be possible to evaluate the quality of service,” said Larysa Kochur, chief administrator of the Executive Committee of the Pyryatyn Town Council.

Due to the portal, registration in the electronic queue will be possible from home.

The ASC operates an electronic document flow, so the customer does not write any statements on his/her own, all this is done by the administrators. A person only puts a signature on a ready-compiled application after getting acquainted with it.

In addition, portal users will be able to get acquainted with the list of services, information cards, get on-line consultations, etc.

“The portal will allow you to order any service that is on the list. Currently, in Pyryatynska AH, 16 social services are provided by distant office administrators and 116 services are delivered directly in the ASC,” says Larysa Kochur.

It is worth mentioning that two distant workplaces were created for the employees of statosta offices in the Pyryatynska AH.

The town council assures that this list of services will be expanded in a few days. For example, the service of real estate registration will be divided into 16 subsorts.



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