Agreement on development of information system for ASC in Ukraine signed

The EU-funded EGOV4UKRAINE signed an agreement with Soft Xpansion Ukraine and State Agency for e-Governance of Ukraine to develop an information system for Administrative Services Centers (ASCs) in Ukraine. As a result of an open tender held in February 2018, Ukrainian IT company Soft Xpansion will develop this system.

According to Hannes Astok, project leader of EGOV4UKRAINE the system will be piloted in a few ASCs and then implemented in small ASCs across Ukraine during next 3 years. “EGOV4UKRAINE project has already started negotiations for engaging 10 pilot ASC’s,” said Hannes Astok. “The information system will speed up the work of centres' administrators tenfold by providing smooth electronic document management and access to data in state registries. The implementation of the new information system is voluntary and also free of charge for ASC during the project period,” said Hannes Astok.

According to the general director of Soft Xpansion Ukraine Eduard Prodedovich the information system will improve the accessibility and quality of providing administrative services to the population, reduce the cost of paperwork, speed up communication, provide reliable storage and protection of information.

The development of the information system is carried out as a part of U-LEAD with Europe, which is a multi-donor action of the European Union and its member states Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden.

The Ukrainian implementers of Trembita system (an improvement of the X-Road solution for Ukraine) and cyber experts of Cybernetica met last week in Estonia to develop the complex information protection system, which is the last precondition for secure data exchange between state registries and databases in Ukraine. The mission was financed by U-LEAD support project EGOV4UKRAINE.

In the photo (starting from left): Eduard Prodedovich, Oleksandr Ryzhenko, Hannes Astok



Administrative services EGOV4UKRAINE


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