Kamyanska AH to develop tourism for UAH 7.3 million received from the EU

The project on the development and arrangement of the tourist facility "Tiasmyn Canyon" in Kamyanka won the competition of the regional development projects, which will be implemented at the expense of the state budget funds received from the EU.

"Kamyanka will receive UAH 7345000, and by the end of the year we plan to complete all the work on the accomplishment of the facility, enabling our town to attract tourists from all over the world," said the mayor Volodymyr Tiron. "The project envisages the modernisation of the Kamyanka State Historical and Cultural Reserve and the Kamyanka State Literary and Memorial Museum named after O.Pushkin and P.I.Tchaikovskyi, and the creation of tourist routes along the Tyasminsky Canyon on their basis. The project envisages the creation of entrances and approaches to the Tiasmyn Canyon, arrangement of three sping-wells, a coastal zone, pedestrian paths, observation grounds, stairs, places for swimming and rest. "The winning project was the result of the partnership of the Regional Development Department of the Cherkasy Oblast State Administration, Cherkasy Local Government Development Centre (established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion), Cherkasy Regional Development Agency and the Kamyanka AH.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Черкаська область


Кам’янська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Кам’янська територіальна громада


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