17 March 2025

Local authorities can decide on monetisation of preferential transportation on their own, - Pavlo Rosenko

Local authorities have the opportunity to independently decide on the issue of monetisation of preferential transportation or the maintenance of the current system of payment for the transportation of privileged persons, said Pavlo Rozenko, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, to Glavred.

"The decision to monetise or not to monetise public transportation privileges will be approved by the local authorities. It is up to them to decide whether the current system of calculation will continue to exist, or whether the monetisation of privileges will be introduced. Only when the local authorities make such a decision, the relevant procedure, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, will be put into effect in one or another region of our state," he noted.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

16.03.2018 - 14:06 | Views: 9277
Local authorities can decide on monetisation of preferential transportation on their own, - Pavlo Rosenko


Урядовий портал

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