How to protect your rights in ASC: experts (+infographics)

Experts on Improving the Quality of Administrative Service Provision for the Population of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme analysed key aspects of the violation of the citizens’ rights in ASCs and proposed possible appeals procedures in accordance with the current legislation.

The Programme Expert Viktor Tymoshchuk described the main problems faced by ASC visitors, and suggested ways to solve them. In large ASCs, visitors often find queues and unfriendly (tired) staff. There may also be problems with the difficulty of filling in various forms and paying for administrative services.

It is possible to improve the work of the personnel by means of regular communication and psychological trainings and organisation of working time of the ASC employees the way when a part of their working day is devoted to receiving visitors, and another part – to processing cases/documents in the back office. The issue of personnel turnover should be solved by proper labour remuneration.

Regarding the queues, the solution to this problem can be achieved by means of rational state policy to reduce the cost of work stations for the provision of passport services, simplification of connecting procedures to secure communication channels and other conditions for easier adjustment of these services in the ASC.

The issue of filling in the forms can be solved, if all forms are filled by the ASC employees. The visitor should only check the correctness of the information entered and confirm it with his/her signature.

As for the payment of services, there should be an integrated approach: it is necessary to transparently involve banking services in ASCs, as well as clearly regulate the possibility of accepting payment for administrative services directly by the ASC personnel in the legislation.

It is worth reminding that the process of acceptance of applications for participation in Roll-out phase has been launched, envisaging support in the establishment and modernisation of up to 600 ASCs by the end of 2020.

The deadline for submitting applications for participation in the first round of selection expires on 31 March 2018.

Infographics in PDF format is available HERE


V.Tymoshchuk Administrative services


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