Hromadas and their activists are invited to participate in “Safety Guards” programme

The programme aims to improve hromadas’ safety and will provide the participants with comprehensive support for the formation of a new hromada safety culture.

The programme is being implemented by the NGO Pobratymy within the USAID/Engage programme, supported by the Pact in Ukraine.

In the course of the programme the participants will be able to:

  • take part in the workshop and learn about formation of local fire brigades, fire fighters-volunteers and best practices of hromadas regarding the alert and video surveillance issues
  • get further support (and the most active participants will get a personal mentor) in communicating with the public and involving them in safety measures, as well as organisaion of voluntary fire brigades
  • learn how to attract support of international partners
  • obtain materials for preventive activities in hromadas
  • raise the hromada's status at the national level through video reports and communication support of the organisers

After the programme is completed, hromadas will better understand the trends in safety policy development. This will enable them to adapt first to the new conditions, ensure their capability and form the image of a safe hromada, which can make it more attractive to investors.

You can find out more about the "Safety Guards" programme and apply for participation by following the link:

Application has to be filled in by 10 April 2018.

Please send the questions to the e-mail

13.03.2018 - 14:52 | Views: 15899
Hromadas and their activists are invited to participate in “Safety Guards” programme

Attached files:


fire safety safety volunteers


ГО "Побратими"

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