"Someone calls decentralisation a crime, but I consider the way we lived before the reform to be a crime" – head of hromada

The Kiptivska amalgamated hromada in the Chernihiv Oblast completed inventory of its land resources in October last year. Thus, the hromada prepared for the transfer of land outside settlements to communal ownership, a decision that the Government of Ukraine adopted in late January this year, said Volodymyr Kuchma, Kipti village head, at “Speakers of Hromadas” briefing, held at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre.

The Kiptivska AH was the first hromada to take part in a pilot project on land management and implementation of the local economic development strategy within the frames of decentralisation. This very hromada was selected by the USAID Project “Support for Agrarian and Rural Development”.

The Kiptivska AH has developed a special land map, on which every investor can choose a free land plot to run his business. The hromada has extensive plans. Using a unique natural potential, they plan to develop tourist infrastructure here.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



speaker Volodymyr Kuchma


Чернігівська область


Кіптівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Кіптівська територіальна громада


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