AHs of Zaporizhzya Oblast started elaborating their strategies

With support of the Zaporizhzhya Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme MinRegion, five amalgamated hromadas began to develop sustainable development strategies by 2020.

In 9 months, the Prymorska, Komysh-Zoryanska, Gulyaipilska, Velykobilozerska and Chernihivska AHs will have clearly defined priorities for further development and ways to achieve strategic goals. Hromadas were selected among those that submitted proposals, according to certain criteria – their capacity, final (or with minor changes) format of amalgamation, population number, presence of a strategic planning expert to moderate the process, and elaborated socio-economic development plan. The shortlisted hromadas have a strong potential for development of agriculture, small and medium-sized business, tourism, etc.

“The strategy shapes the vision, goals and objectives till 2020. In 2020, Ukraine's development strategy will be revised; hromadas will accordingly need to listen to defined priorities in order to move in the same direction. By this time the hromadas will already have finally designated borders,” said Oleksandr Svystun, director of the Zaporizhzhya LGDC.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

06.03.2018 - 11:24 | Views: 11121
AHs of Zaporizhzya Oblast started elaborating their strategies

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