Information sessions held in regions on participation in Roll-Out Phase of U-LEAD with Europe Programme


From 26 February till 16 March, informational sessions of experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme on participation in the Roll-Out Phase are held in 22 oblasts of Ukraine with the support of MinRegion.

Phase participants receive support for the establishment and modernisation of up to 600 Administrative Service Centres by 2020. The implementation of the phase consists of four rounds, each of which will involve up to 150 participants. Detailed information, rules and application for participation in the Programme will be published on the website by 4.03.


Schedule of the information sessions:

  • Vinnytsia Oblast - 01.03
  • Volyn Oblast (Lutsk) - 26.02
  • Dnipropetrovsk Oblast - 27.02
  • Zhytomyr Oblast - 01.03
  • Zakarpattya Oblast (Uzhgorod) - 14.03
  • Zaporizhzhya Oblast - 16.03
  • Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast - 27.02
  • Kyiv Oblast - 05.03
  • Kirovohrad Oblast - 06.03
  • Lviv Oblast - 06.03
  • Mykolayiv Oblast - 05.03
  • Odesa Oblast - 06.03
  • Poltava Oblast - 12.03
  • Rivne Oblast - 02.03
  • Sumy Oblast - 12.03
  • Ternopil Oblast - 01.03
  • Kharkiv Oblast - 13.03
  • Kherson Oblast - 14.03
  • Khmelnytskyi Oblast - 06.03
  • Cherkasy Oblast - 12.03
  • Chernivtsi Oblast - 07.03
  • Chernihiv Oblast - 16.03

For all questions, please contact  (Please, indicate your oblast in the letter subject).

01.03.2018 - 09:20 | Views: 17715
Information sessions held in regions on participation in Roll-Out Phase of U-LEAD with Europe Programme

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Administrative services


Програма «U-LEAD з Європою»

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