Prykarpattya AHs are offered help in ASC establishment

On 27 February, an information session was held in Ivano-Frankivsk for the representatives of AHs, executive authorities and local self-government bodies that implement the policy of administrative service delivery.

As part of the information session, the representatives of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme informed the present AH leaders and officials about the best practices for the establishment of Administrative Service Centres in AHs throughout Ukraine, implemented with the support of this international organisation, as well as the requirements to a proper ASC.

“Last year, several hromadas in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast submitted their applications. The project of the ASC establishment with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme was implemented by only one Starobohorodchanska AH. The ASC was officially opened there on 28 December 2017. This year, 8 hromadas that have already worked during a year on direct interbudgetary relations are the most promising for participation in this Programme,” said Ruslan Panasyuk, director of the Ivano-Frankivsk Local Government Development Centre.

Besides, during the information session the launch of the first round of hromada selection in terms of ASC establishment, which will continue in March-April 2018, was announced.

“Submission of applications in the first round, where up to 150 AHs will be selected, will last from 16 till 31 March this year. Then, the selection of candidates for the implementation of projects will take place, and the next submission of applications will be roughly scheduled to begin in August 2018.

The U-LEAD with Europe Programme will provide institutional support and financial assistance to selected hromadas, when establishing and modernising ASCs. This includes primarily personnel training and purchase of furniture, software and hardware,” said Oleh Bilous, regional experts on ASC establishment of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

More information on the selection criteria for hromadas can be found on the website, where the announcement of applications’ acceptance process will be placed.

28.02.2018 - 09:35 | Views: 13624
Prykarpattya AHs are offered help in ASC establishment

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Administrative services


Івано-Франківська область


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