Grants competition for AH development in Mykolayiv and Cherkasy Oblasts

Charity Organisation “Fund of the Nechytaylo Family” announces a competition for grants for the development of amalgamated hroamadas (AHs) in the Mykolayiv and Cherkasy Oblasts. The purpose of the competition is to promote the development of social infrastructure of AHs.

We invite AH councils, non-profit enterprises, institutions, organisations and initiative groups of citizens according to geographical coverage of the competition to participate in it.

We are considering project proposals in the following areas:

  • Education – projects aimed at developing competences and skills of children and adults;
  • Social sphere – projects aimed at systematic support of socially unprotected and vulnerable groups of the population (people with disabilities, pensioners living alone, large families, families with children under guardianship, etc.);
  • Landscaping of settlements, public areas and separate social facilities – projects that involve active participation of residents in improving hromada living conditions.

Project applications will be accepted during 2018 and will be considered as they are received.

Maximum grant sum – UAH 150 000

Competition terms

Project application

Additional information: Iryna Kryvushchenko, 050-450-54-41, email:

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

26.02.2018 - 12:11 | Views: 17196

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grant competition


Миколаївська область Черкаська область


БО “Фонд родини Нечитайло”

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