Oleh Kokhman: “The main thing is to be one team!”

Oleh Kokhman: “The main thing is to be one team!”

The village of Velyki Hayi is famous for its history, beautiful nature and hospitable people. The village was always considered to be wealthy. It is located in the suburbs of the oblast centre. At the beginning of the decentralisation reform, the village head, and now the head of the hromada Oleh Kokhman decided to amalgamate six village councils at his own risk, establishing the Velykohayivska AH.

On 22 December 2015, the hromada held its elections. Oleh Kokhman was elected by a majority of votes. Since then, there has been fruitful work in all directions.

“We obtained plenty of powers from the rayon. The Department of Youth and Sports was formed in the village council. We accepted clubs and libraries to our balance. The process of change is ongoing.”

The next step concerned education. Thus, in the summer of 2016, the Department of Education was created. Myroslav Dyshkant was appointed as its head. 10 schools and four kindergartens in the hromada were transferred to the newly formed Department.

The Velykohayivska AH moves towards welfare in leaps and bounds.

“The main thing is to be one team. I am very glad that we have it. A successful symbiosis of youth and experienced people, guided by the common motto: “Who, if not us?”. Agree, it’s a powerful force”, Oleh Kokhman concludes with a smile.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


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Великогаївська територіальна громада



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