Delegation from Dykanka Rayon studied experience of Bilozirska AH

Another rayon of the Poltava Oblast is finally on its decentralisation way. So far, there are 5 rayons in the oblast with no amalgamated hromadas established. The Dykanka Rayon should improve the statistics. Specialists of the Poltava Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, together with the rayon leadership started expert support for the formation of a financially-capable hromada.

According to the plan, the whole small rayon will be included in the Dykanska AH. In order to better visualise the benefits of decentralisation in the rural areas, a study-tour to the Cherkasy Oblast was organised for the representatives of the executive authorities and local government from the Dykanka rayon. The delegation was headed by Volodymyr Shkarban, head of the Dykanka Rayon State Administration. The visit of Poltava Oblast representatives began with a round table discussion “Best Practices of Amalgamation into Hromadas on the Example of Hromadas of the Cherkasy Oblast”. Serhiy Slynko, director of the Cherkasy Local Government Development Centre, was the main speaker of the event.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

Attached images:


Полтавська область Черкаська область


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