27 March 2025

Participants of “Million-Hryvnia Hromada” project on 1+1 TV Channel learned business approaches and competed for prizes

Today, on 18 February, the 1+1 TV channel has broadcast the new issue of the social, business and entertainment project “Million-Hryvnia Hromada”, created jointly with the United States Agency for International Development “Decentralisation Offering Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE) Programme.

In the frames of the project, Ukrainian amalgamated hromadas compete for UAH 1 million investments from the WNISEF fund, by creating projects to improve life in the regions. As a result of challenging assignments of the past issues, four hromadas remained in the project, and the Skala-Podilska AH left the “race for a million”. The Pechenizhynska, Buzka, Novopskovska and Knyahynynivska AHs will continue competing for the main prize.

The new issue has featured hromadas’ representatives visiting one of the largest Ukrainian sheep breeding farms “Merinos-West”, established according to the European model, where they went through interesting tasks from the owner of the farm Dmytro Ohnyov and received special prizes. One of them is a trip to Austrian breeding farms to gain European experience. There, the AH representative can not only take over the Austrian tradition of farming, see new technologies and learn the secrets of production of unique meat products of the highest quality, but also get acquainted with the adviser of the Minister of Agrarian Policy of Austria and experienced businessmen.

Watch the fourth issue of “Million-Hryvnia Hromada” programme to find out other prizes received by the representatives of AHs from the businessman, investor and presenter Dmytro Ohnyov, as well as work peculiarities of Merinos-West farm.


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