Fields of solar panels and authentic tourism are European dream of residents in Vinnytsya Oblast

Here is a vivid example of successful decentralisation. Over a year the Vinnytsya Oblast set up the lighting, laid the water pipeline, continues to repair roads kindergarten and culture club.

Here people dream of local tourism development, creation of jobs and fields of solar panels. And the neighbouring villages are envious and dream of joining the amalgamated territories.

The life in uncared villages has changed over almost a year. Their residents are currently dreaming not only about water pipelines and lighting. Now the hromadas are quite small with only 7 thousand people each.

13.02.2018 - 14:28 | Views: 15292
Fields of solar panels and authentic tourism are European dream of residents in Vinnytsya Oblast



Вінницька область


Вороновицька територіальна громада Томашпільська територіальна громада



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