EGOV4UKRAINE Project and Ukrainian IT company to start develop information system for ASCs

As the result of the public procurement by EGOV4UKRAINE of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, the Ukrainian software company Soft Xpansion Ukraine LLC will develop and implement an efficient information system for administrative service centres (ASCs) in Ukraine.

The information system will be provided as a cloud solution for ASCs to minimize the investments for ICT systems and local ICT support. The information system will be implemented for ASCs during next three years.

According to EGOV4UKRAINE project leader Mari Pedak, the implementation of the new information system will be a great opportunity, especially for small ASCs to move into the digital era. “Access to state registries and active data exchange differs the information system from others and will make the work of ASCs administrators 10 times quicker and more efficient. The implementation of information system is voluntary and also free of charge for ASC during the project period.” The information system will ensure the modern work environment for ASCs administrators, allowing to manage the work with documents electronically and give the access to data in state registries. Moreover, the information system will have remote management capabilities to provide quick support from ICT experts.

The development of the information system is carried out as a part of the Ukrainian decentralisation support programme, U-LEAD with Europe, which is a multi-donor action of the European Union and its member states Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden.

09.02.2018 - 16:06 | Views: 17396
EGOV4UKRAINE Project and Ukrainian IT company to start develop information system for ASCs


Administrative services EGOV4UKRAINE


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