AHs of Zaporizhzhya Oblast learn to implement healthcare reform

“The healthcare reform brings a lot of novelties and creates a new system. It will be difficult, but it is worth understanding that it will not be otherwise, there is no way back. And the sooner it is realised, the better,” explained Alisa Makarikhina, expert of the programme of regional experts for supporting healthcare reform, during the training for the representatives of the AHs “Management of primary healthcare institutions in the context of reforming the healthcare system”.

“Already this year UAH 120 million are envisaged for the Zaporizhzhya Oblast for development of rural healthcare,” said Zinayida Boyko, deputy head and head of administrative office of the Zaporizhzhya Oblast Administration.

In the near future, the trainers of the programme of regional experts for support of the healthcare reform, trained by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, will conduct trainings for representatives of other AHs of the Zaporizhzhya Oblast.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

07.02.2018 - 17:21 | Views: 13336

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