Most important issues on autonomy of healthcare institutions to be found in Healthcare Digest of changes in healthcare sector

The third issue of the national healthcare wall newspaper is devoted to the autonomy of healthcare facilities. Reorganisation into communal nonprofit enterprises is the first task of the reform, because only institutions with this status can conclude contracts with the National Health Service of Ukraine and receive direct payments from the state budget from the NHS.

The Digest provides a list of key legislative acts and documents that are important during and after autonomy, as well as a step-by-step plan for autonomy.

"Today the healthcare institution can only do what is explicitly permitted by law. And becoming an enterprise, it  will be able to do everything that is not forbidden. First of all, abandon the pricing table and begin to increase doctors’ salaries. But the main change is a worldview one. Healthcare institutions should be independent, as is the case throughout the world. Officials do not have to manage doctors,” as stated in the appeal of the Acting Minister of Health and Doctor Ulyana Suprun.

In Digest features the story of creation of a communal nonprofit enterprise “from scratch” in Boryspil of the Kyiv Oblast.

In addition, the new issue of the wall newspaper contains information on ICPC-2 classification and answers to frequently asked questions about autonomy. We invite specialists to send their questions to . Responses to them will be provided in the next issues of the Digest.

The Digest can be douwnloaded HERE

More healthcare publications can be found in the Library (please, filter materials by topic).

07.02.2018 - 16:02 | Views: 11580
Most important issues on autonomy of healthcare institutions to be found in Healthcare Digest of changes in healthcare sector




Міністерство охорони здоров'я України

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