What has been changed by state in waste management rules? – interview with Vyacheslav Sorokovskyi

What has been changed by state in waste management rules? – interview with Vyacheslav Sorokovskyi

Vyacheslav Sorokovskyi, public services and monitoring expert of the Swiss-Ukrainian Project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO), speaks about the National Waste Management Strategy and on whether the hromadas will be fined for the inadequate solution of the garbage problem.

Author: Dmytro Synyakhttp://new.decentralization.ua/uploads/ckeditor/pictures/351/content_%D0%A1%D0%98%D0%9D%D0%AF%D0%9A.jpg

Last year, the problem that had long been troubling hromadas got finally rolling: the government approved the National Waste Management Strategy, and the Verkhovna Rada made several supplements to the waste legislation. However, the free interpretation of certain legislative changes generated a lot of rumours. Several television channels said that this year those hromadas that do not organise separate collection of garbage, as well as citizens who do not separate waste, will be fined. The experts also frightened by telling about the international experience, when the state imposes large fines on the community for the wrong waste management. We asked Vyacheslav Sorokovskyi, public services and monitoring expert of the Swiss-Ukrainian Project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO), to tell us about the changes introduced by the National Strategy.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


garbage cooperation article DESPRO


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