MinRegion created instrument for effective spatial planning of hromadas’ territories, Vyacheslav Nehoda

MinRegion is pursuing a consistent work on the implementation of the Concept of the reform of local self-government and territorial organisation of power. One of the tasks is to provide local governments with territory development promoting tools.

The order of MinRegion approved the State Construction Norms (SCN) “Composition and content of the planning scheme of the territory where the powers of village, rural settlement, and town councils are executed”. This document is of a particular significance for amalgamated hromadas (AHs), since it regulates the issues of development and implementation of spatial planning documentation in the practical activities of AHs (primarily, schemes of planning of their territory outside settlements).

MinRegion noted that the development of AH territory planning schemes would significantly simplify implementation of tasks by hromadas for sustainable development of their territories.

“The tasks of the local self-government reform include local economic development and creation of favourable investment conditions. The territorial planning scheme is the basis for a comprehensive vision of hromada development, substantiates its needs, mutually coordinates the state, public and private interests. Such a document also carries important information for potential investors, who intend to invest in the implementation of projects in the hromada,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services.

He stressed that the State Construction Norms become especially important in the context of adopted Government’s regulation on the transfer of state-owned agricultural land into the communal ownership of amalgamated hromadas.

“According to the decision of the Government, in 2018, AHs will receive significant land resources in communal ownership. According to the State Land Cadastre Centre, it is about 760 thousand hectares of land. Hromadas’ objective is to ensure efficient management of this resource. Territory planning schemes are among the most effective tools in this regard,” said the First Deputy Minister.

It is worth reminding that on 31 January 2018, the Government adopted regulation according to which the State Land Cadastre Centre in 2018 will transfer the agricultural land of state ownership to the communal ownership of AHs.

Background on SCN

SCN B.1.1-21:2017 “Composition and content of the planning scheme of the territory where the powers of village, rural settlement, and town councils are executed” was approved by the order of MinRegion of Ukraine No 343 dated 27 December 2017. The document enters into force from the first day of the month, which occurs in 90 days after its publication in the official printed issue “Newsletter of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine”.

The maintenance of the SCN is entrusted to the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Scientific, Research and Design Institute for Civil Construction” (SE “UKRNDPICIVILBUD”).

31.01.2018 - 12:45 | Views: 25802
MinRegion created instrument for effective spatial planning of hromadas’ territories, Vyacheslav Nehoda


V.Nehoda land spatial planning


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