Government allocated UAH 11 billion for development of regions, and we demand efficient use of funds for clear priorities, – Prime Minister

This year the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has offered several tools for support and development of regions amounting in total to about UAH 11 billion, it transfers these funds to the ground, but requires their efficient use for clear priorities, said Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman, commenting on the Government’s decision.

“This year the Government allocates about UAH 11 billion through the regional development mechanisms,” said the Prime Minister. “We have prepared a Governmental decision focusing local authorities on priority projects.”

He stressed that nobody is allowed to “potboil” at the expense of the state budget funds. Instead, the main attention should be paid to high-quality construction of pre-school institutions and vocational education establishments, modernisation of emergency healthcare facilities, development of physical training and sports facilities, critical infrastructure objects, etc. As the Head of Government noted, if a certain task is set at the state level, the Government will invest money in its implementation. But local authorities should not only get involved, but also use their resources in specific areas – both in terms of building social infrastructure and in implementing investment projects, establishing new enterprises, new production sites and new jobs.

“This is our common stance,” said Volodymyr Groysman.

31.01.2018 - 12:42 | Views: 11483

Attached images:


Volodymyr Groysman


Урядовий портал

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