Ivan Kovach, head of Tyachivska AH: “Renovation of roads and streets, insulation of educational establishments and artificial football field – our priorities for 2018”

2018 is the third year of the successful history of the Tyachivska amalgamated hromada, which is one of the 10 best AHs in Ukraine. We discussed with Ivan Kovach, head of the Tyachivska AH, local government’s work in 2018, renovations of social institutions and streets of the hromada, landscaping, and future plans.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

25.01.2018 - 09:59 | Views: 6775
Ivan Kovach, head of Tyachivska AH: “Renovation of roads and streets, insulation of educational establishments and artificial football field – our priorities for 2018”


Закарпатська область


Тячівська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Тячівська територіальна громада



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