The Snovska hromada has set the task to take care of children’s health. Though in recent decades summer camps and health resorts are in a miserable condition, and children are more likely to get injuries rather than improve their health there.
That is why one of nine projects directed by the Department of Economic Development and Investments of the Snovsk Town Council for the consideration of the commission for assessment and ensuring preliminary competitive selection of investment programmes that can be implemented at the expense of the State Fund for Regional Development (SFRD) in 2018, concerned Reconstruction of the Snovsk Children’s Recreation Centre “Druzhba” (“Friendship”).
Iryna Mundurs, Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Development and Investment of the Snovsk Town Council, is an active participant of the training activities organised by the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. She says: “Informational and methodological support of the experts of the Chernihiv LGDC and personal consultations were extremely important and necessary when writing our projects. I am grateful to the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre for organisation of trainings on writing projects at such a high level.”
The representatives of the Snovska hromada note: “The project’s implementation will breathe new life into the “Druzhba” camp and provide a high-quality and interesting recreation for children of the hromada.”
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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